Process Post 10

Transmedia Integration

To be honest, I haven’t really told anybody about my website, simply because I don’t think it’s really worth mentioning? Progress has also been slow until recently. I also don’t really have any plans to continue this blog after my class ends. Anyways, there are various ways that I could get my website out there if I wanted to. I could get in contact with publishing houses and local libraries, and I could also promote it on my own social media platforms. However, until recently I did not get an Instagram, so I don’t have much of a presence at the moment. I had lots of friends on Snapchat, but I lost access to my account a while ago. If I were to promote it, a story explaining it and asking my followers to check it out would definitely drive some traffic towards this website. I could also put the link in my bio description. Even potentially getting into contact with authors may be a possibility, since I could promote their new book on my website, and people searching up the author’s name or new book may see my website pop up on their search results.

By Ash

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