Process Post 8


I was recently getting on the bus in order to go somewhere. Surprisingly, I somehow managed to get a seat. However, before I could sit down the bus suddenly lurched forward, and I banged my head super hard against one of the poles on the side. Immediately, a woman reached out her hand to steady me, and helped me into my seat. She explained that the exact same thing had happened to her when she got on at the previous stop, and naturally, a conversation started. She was super sweet and kind, and I had a great time talking to her for around 10 minutes before she got off at her stop. Oddly, the second she got off she started screaming at some random woman on the road, which made her seem almost like a completely different person. 😬 Anyways, it’s really nice to talk to someone that you have never talked to before. You honestly never know– you could become great friends with someone if you just tried to interact and talk with them. 😁

By Ash

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